A focus on Meat Pies & Quiches

Vegan and Vegetarian alternatives… lowering salt content… increasing fibre… lowering sugar content… inclusion of local ingredients…

Just some of the challenges and opportunities that Meat Pie and Quiche manufacturers are facing to cater to customers’ needs and dietary requirements.

Exploring the key trends and aligning to our capabilities, we will explore how working with us can save time and be cost effective.

  • Bespoke blends
  • Time-saving
  • Ready to use ingredients & blends
  • All-in-one solutions
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Plant Based Options – achieve desired textures and flavour profiles.

If you want a universal product or you are looking to add a Vegan/ Vegetarian option to your product range, then we can certainly help. We can provide you with Gelatine alternatives for your individual customers, ranging from Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Paleotarian, or Flexitarian. For example:

Plant tissue extract:

  • Citrus Fiber
  • Pectin

Species of seaweed:

  • Alginates
  • Agar Agar
  • Carrageenan

Fermentation gums:

  • Xanthan

Viscous plant substances:

  • Guar gum
  • Locust Bean Gum

Huge innovation in the frozen aisle...

Are you looking to expand into the frozen aisle? In recent years, convenience and flavour have been driving innovation in the frozen aisle. We can provide you with Guar Gum, as well as other plant hydrocolloids such as Xanthan Gum, Locust Bean Gum and Tara Gum. These are some of our range of products that will assist your freeze-thaw products and in addition, will help keep your products structurally viable for extended BBE and EXP. We recommend using Citrus Fibre as a first step to increase your fibre content. It’s also acts as a great binder and emulsifier in pie fillings.

Sometimes it makes sense to make changes, for cost benefits or to meet your consumers’ demands. To explore the above topics in further detail, please use the contact form below or email npdsupport@healan.com and one of our team will respond to your enquiry.
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