
Key benefits of gelatine include its binding, emulsifying and, stabilising properties, along with it’s high water-holding capacity. 

Key functions and benefits:

  • Film forming in the manufacturing of capsules 
  • Thermo-reversible and stabilises foams (mousses and whipped confectionery) 
  • Assists the conservation and protein content of meat emulsions
  • Assists with texture, smoothness and fat replacement 
  • Assists clarification and reduces turbidity in beverages (wine, beer, apple juice)
  • Prevents recrystallisation of sucrose in marshmallows 
gummy bear, gummi bear, bear-1114955.jpg

Gelatine is widely used in desserts (aerated, mousses), flavoured jellies, yoghurts, confectionery such as marshmallows and toffees, and cooked meats. Gelatine is also used in pet foods, beauty products, and technical applications. 

We can offer four major types of gelatine – bovine, porcine, fish, and chicken – with a wide range of properties to meet your application. We are also one of the UK’s leading pharmaceutical and pet food gelatine suppliers.

Our Product Range:

    • Bovine – BOV200020
    • Porcine – POR200020 
    • Fish – FIS160014 
    • Chicken – CHI275008

 View our Halal Certifications here. 

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